Monday, 23 February 2015

Use your WITS

Use your WITS means Walk away, Ignore, Talk about it and Seek help. If you use your WITS in your life it will keep you safe.

W means walk away. When somebody is being mean to you you have to walk away. One time when I was working a kid was talking so I walked away and they didn’t stop my learning anymore.

I ignore it. ignore someone don’t look at them and don’t listen to what they say. When my cousin keeps saying they are stronger than me I ignore them.

T talk about it.When someone was saying bad word and I told him to stop it and I said  I like it and
then he stop and he went away.

S seek help. when I saw a boy hurt and then I helped him come up and I took him to the sicke buy
to get more better.

Use your WITS will help you be a nice person.

Friday, 13 February 2015

Disappearing Frogs

This week my reading group read a story called Disappearing frogs. It was about four types of New Zealand frogs that are becoming extinct. Here is a presentation that you can watch about them.

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Superhero Story

In the holiday me and my family went to the movies at Sylvia Park.

We went to  watch Big Hero 6. We ate some popcorn  and my favourite superhero was Bay Max and Fred.

It was about the super stopping the bad guy the bad guy was a teacher from nerd school the super wanted the mask.

When the movie was finish I went home and play video game.